Schlagwort: Graffiti

Berlin Spricht Wände – Fullstream

Vielleicht haben einige von euch vor zwei Monaten die Ankündigung der “Berlin Spricht Wände” DVD Veröffentlichung mitbekommen oder waren damals sogar bei der Premiere im St. Georg dabei. Die 80-minütige Doku der Produzenten EAST CROSS PROJECTS und EMUS PRIMUS , welche auch für die “Berlin spricht – Tribute to Berlin Streetart” Videos verantwortlich sind, gibt es ab sofort im Stream! Seht in “Berlin Spricht Wände” Streetart, Adbusting und Graffiti von Künstler wie ALIAS , PHOS4 , MEIN LIEBER PROST , ENORM uvm!

Erlebt, wie die Künstler die Artbase 2012 auf dem Teufelsberg gestalten. Erfahrt einen Einblick in die letzten Tage des Kunsthaus Tacheles. Schaut euch an, wie die Adbustings dieser Stadt entstehen, und wie sich aus einer einzigen Linie ganze Welten entfalten.
Blicken wir gemeinsam zurück auf ausgewählte Kunst-Ereignisse und Ausstellungen des vergangenen Jahres.

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KIDULT “Visual Dictatorship”

Kidult is the problem child who paints in a righteous, primary and no-limit way with the use of an extinguisher.
I try to remain the 14 years old kid who paints his truth in a brutal and free-minded way. I aspire to keep the creativity, the honesty and the impertinence of a kid in spite of my age to send a disturbing message in a simple, efficient and no polishing way.
Societies and cities are always evolving and as a graffiti artist, I got to adapt myself to these evolutions of my surroundings. Efficiency is one of the most important traits in a graffiti artist’s skills. It starts from a concern that I have and I send a message to everybody by intellectualizing my reasoning and finding the best spot to be the most efficient.
no matter what other people are doing or what is considered “in”, and bring something new, ugly or not.

Reebok Classics Presents: World Piecebook

In the graffiti underground, Piece Books—or sketch books—have been a secret weapon for the mysterious artists who pioneered the culture back in 1970s New York. Reebok explores this history through the eyes of graffiti legends like Cope 2, Erni “Paze” Vales, West, SP.One, Wane COD, Rime MSK, Chino BYI, Ewok 5MH, PEZ, How and Nosm.

In part two of Reebok’s Piece Book series, we discover the important role that piecebooks—or sketchbooks–have played in the global expansion of graffiti culture. We learn the definition of what Classic means in writing culture via the distinct painting styles illustrated by artists like West, Cope 2, Ewok 5MH, PEZ, How and Nosm, Erni “Paze” Vales and more. With three books on the subject under their belt, David Vilorente / Chino BYI, and Sacha Jenkins SHR have presented the most definitive exploration of piecebook culture.

(text via yt )

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